Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Birthday Weekend Celebration!

So this weekend was my birthday. I am no longer 30. I am now officially IN my 30s. Kind of stinks. Anyway, to celebrate my birthday on Sunday we decided to go bowling with another family, because we bowl so much. We had a lot of fun. We weren't good and we realized we need to bowl more often. Eric had the high score of the game, 88. (See I told you) and Aidan had the lowest, 54(Aidan and Lily had bumpers). I bowled an 83.

So this is how bowling with Aidan went.

Step one: Walk up to the lane with your 6lb orange ball (didn't realize Aidan was so strong)

Step two: Aidan and Dad push the ball
down the lane(max speed clocked 1.54mph-
yes it did make it down the lane every time
thank you very much!)

Step three: Hold hand next to head and say "go go go"

Step four: Knock pins down, throw arms up in the arm and yell "BOWL!" (I think he watches too many sports with his Dad)

We went during Nate's nap time so he stayed in the stroller, ate cheesy puffs, and eventually passed out. I have no idea how since the music was blaring 80's hair metal.
And for some reason I can't get this formatted right so it looks all screwy today. Oh well. You'll get over it!

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