Sunday, August 16, 2009


Reasons why 2009 sucks.
1. Plantar Fasciitis
2. Poison Ivy
3. Eczema
4. Car break ins
5. Nate chips a tooth
6. Aidan gets glasses
7. Eric's Grandma dies
8. My Uncle Dies
9. My cat goes blind for some unknown reason
10. Housing Market

Did I mention 6-9 all happened in a 6 week period?


Friday, August 14, 2009

August Trips

So we made a super fast trip to Connecticut last weekend. My Uncle Gordon died unexpectedly and we went to pay our respects. It was great seeing everyone, but at the same time it sucked. I did get to see my cousin Derek though which was cool. I haven't seen him in at least 8 years. He lives in California and works for Jay Leno. Neat huh?

This is my cousin Brittany. She was posing for Aidan who was walking around with my camera taking pictures. He is getting really good I think. He is actually starting to use the eye piece to look through.

It was a very long and busy day on Saturday. Poor kid passed out. These are the beds Eric and I sleep on when we go up to visit. There are two beds separated by a side table. I have been sleeping on the beds MY WHOLE LIFE.

Random shot from spaghetti night at our house. If you look close in the background you can see Aidan licking his lips. I love this picture.

And here's Nate and Eric! Photo by Aidan Monroe Dodson. Remember that name. He will be famous one day!