Sunday, June 14, 2009

Busy Weekend

So this past weekend we spent Saturday in Greensboro visiting Aunt Morgan. It was a very busy day. Somehow we got up, got dressed, fed the kids, cleaned the house, and got in the car by 9:15am. This selling the house business is hard!

When we got there me met Morgans mom, had lunch-which Aidan actually ate! It was this taco crescent roll ring thing. It was really good. Maybe I'll be brave and try to serve it to them one night. I am scared that it was just a fluke. Nate ate a PB&J as usual.

After lunch we went to the Children's Museum.


They had a ball room, a construction zone, a room for kids under 2, an outdoor adventure room with a tent and "campfire", a house, a market, a doctors office, a dentist office, a real firetruck, a police car, a race car, an airplane cockpit, and Hot Wheels was there that day giving out free cars to race. Charlotte's children's museum stinks compared to this place!!

(a real airplane cockpit, complete with hat and stale cigarette smell)

(Morgan and Aidan making an airplane picture with Popsicle sticks)

(Oh did I mention the Curious George was there as well? AWESOME!)

(Hope he doesn't put all his eggs in one basket! Yeah I'm a dork. Couldn't resist)

After the museum we grabbed some milkshakes and headed over to the Natural Science Center of Greensboro. It was great as well! They had a zoo and we got to see Meerkats, Lorakeets, Gibbons-which I want for my birthday, Maned wolves, a tiger, turtles, goats-which we fed,Lemurs, pigs, chickens. It was so fun, yet SOOOO hot outside.
(I keep telling Aidan to quit bugging me! I guess he can't help it.)

After we finished outside we went in and checked out a few things in there. Nate LOVED the dinosaur room.
He thought that the Dino was great. Aidan on the other hand freaked out because when you got close it growled. He started crying a screaming "It's scaring me!" It was sad, yet rather funny.
Then we went home. Aidan passed out after being in the car for 5 minutes. I enjoyed the quiet and I think I passed out for a few as well. Eric was driving. I hope he wasn't sleeping!
Then today...we had an open house scheduled. We cleaned and cleaned and fought with each other and put out snacks and left the house with dogs in tow and did anyone show up?
Oh well the guy doing the open house today says he has some clients that would love the house and they might swing by this week.
Wish us luck!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Our Crazy life case you didn't is June.

Yup. Haven't added anything here in a month. So here goes.

May17th 2009. The big boy turned three. Three! Can you believe it?!?!

So we had his birthday party on Saturday the 16th and we had bunches of people there and of course it rained. It was sunny his first birthday and for the past two rain. Pouring down crazy rain. Not the whole time though, just when we were trying to eat so that was fun. There were 16 adults and 4 little ones trying to cram in our house and under a tent.

My Grandma came down from Connecticut for the party so that was a nice surprise. We weren't sure if she was going to come down or not until the week before. I think she looks fabulous.
Aidan got lots of great stuff. Some stuff disappeared and wont surface again until we move. Crazy how things go into our garage and don't come back out.

Speaking of our house we got it painted. The home selling isn't going to spiffy so we thought a new coat of paint would help. I only have a back shot of the house but you get the idea.

This year we are trying to take the boys out and experience more things. True Aidan is officially a nut ball now,but he also enjoys more things and gets super excited.

The pool at the YMCA has opened up so we are trying to get out there at least every Sunday. Aidan is really digging it. It is amazing how confident he has become in the past year. Last year he was really timid in the pool, now we get yelled at because he is not within arm distance in the kids pool. (only goes to 1ft deep-don't freak out people)

Unfortunately Nate is gaining independence as well which means he doesn't want to be held, yet he doesn't want to be in the water. The picnic area is his favorite area of choice.

We also have gone to baseball games. Well this past weekend at least. Friday night we went for free kids t-shirts. Nothing thrilling about them. Just a t-shirt with a number on the back and a lot of advertising. We watched a bit of the game. Then it started to rain around 7pm when Eric's parents showed up. And it rained and it rained and it rained.

We left at 8pm and went home.
Cool thing is that if the game rains out you get a free ticket to the next game. So we went Saturday night as well. We got there 30minutes early thinking that was early enough to get the free hat they were giving to the first 3000 people.

Did we get a hat...Nope.

Oh well. Nate did discover how cool Homer the Dragon (the Knights mascot)is. He kept pointing to the field when he saw him and then he would point to a sign behind us with a picture of Homer on it. I think he was a bit confused how he was in two places. Nate and I hung out in the handicapped area most of the night. Aidan. Eric, and Teresa (Eric's mom) ran around together. I have now learned that I must bring a friend with me to the games. They are so late, 7pm, that Nate has to stay in his stroller because it is close to bedtime and he will go bananas if you let him walk around.

So all this excitement creates a couple of exhausted kids. Here is my favorite shot.