Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Pumpkin Picking Day


ooops! don't know what happened!

Our so called life

So my world has just been crazy busy. We switched realtor's, sold our house....YES WE DID IT!
After 6 days of being on the market with the new realtor the house SOLD. Awesome.
Now the fun part of trying to find a new house.

I actually broke our computer trying to update some software, so now I am sitting at the library doing house research. It is so gross here...people coughing and the such.

Any who, I left Eric at home with the boys to make chocolate covered pretzels. I love giving Eric the messy jobs to do. I don't really care what kind of mess they make in the kitchen or outside, but Eric freaks out!

So we have gone pumpkin picking this year and we went on a hayride. It was actually cold out so it felt like fall. Last year we were sweating and eating ice cream while we picked our pumpkins. Didn't really scream autumn.

It is sad. The kids are growing up so fast. Poor Aidan had a nightmare during his nap today and woke up screaming. I went in and asked him what he dreamed about and he said he dreamed that mice were eating him. How horrible of a thought for a sweet 3 year old to have!!!

Nate is FINALLY talking more. When Eric or Aidan isn't around he says "where's daddy?" "where's Aidan?" and throws his hands up like he is confused. I can understand him since I am around him all the time, but I know it is a stretch for other people still. I hope we don't have to do speech for him as well.

Tomorrow is Aidan's first "Fall Festival Parade" at the Y. So excited. I made Eric take the morning off so he could go with me, but he took off the whole day! I really love that man.

Hopefully I'll get more posted the weekend!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Monthly Catch Up

So this whole blog thing has been pushed to the back burner for a while, incase you haven't noticed. Cleaning, cooking, driving, and preschool seem to take up every moment I have.
SO...here goes.
Yes, the rumors are true. Aidan got glasses AND started preschool. He seems to LOVE preschool. He is learning Spanish, sings songs, and is even taking swimming lessons. I got to help with swimming once and had a blast. I will be helping out again in the near future.
He goes to the preschool at the Unviersity YMCA so he is well taken care of. He even tells me he has 2 best friends, Ryan and Anthony. Ryan wears glasses like Aidan, so I think having a friend with glasses has helped Aidan keeps his on.
First day of school pic. (Spiderman backpack of course!)

Aidan's drawing ability has really improved as well. I left him alone with some markers one day and he said he wanted to draw a ghost. Yellow of course because ghosts are yellow...duh. When I came back he had drawn a ghost (with a skirt and everything-creeps me out) AND THIS:

A KITTY. Meow. Crazy good huh?
So. Eric HATES sandboxes. HATES with a passion. So Eric turned the turtle sandbox into a pool. He put the slide from the "club house" into the turtle and VIOLA! instant water slide!

Unfortunately, he did not put on a swim diaper....

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Reasons why 2009 sucks.
1. Plantar Fasciitis
2. Poison Ivy
3. Eczema
4. Car break ins
5. Nate chips a tooth
6. Aidan gets glasses
7. Eric's Grandma dies
8. My Uncle Dies
9. My cat goes blind for some unknown reason
10. Housing Market

Did I mention 6-9 all happened in a 6 week period?


Friday, August 14, 2009

August Trips

So we made a super fast trip to Connecticut last weekend. My Uncle Gordon died unexpectedly and we went to pay our respects. It was great seeing everyone, but at the same time it sucked. I did get to see my cousin Derek though which was cool. I haven't seen him in at least 8 years. He lives in California and works for Jay Leno. Neat huh?

This is my cousin Brittany. She was posing for Aidan who was walking around with my camera taking pictures. He is getting really good I think. He is actually starting to use the eye piece to look through.

It was a very long and busy day on Saturday. Poor kid passed out. These are the beds Eric and I sleep on when we go up to visit. There are two beds separated by a side table. I have been sleeping on the beds MY WHOLE LIFE.

Random shot from spaghetti night at our house. If you look close in the background you can see Aidan licking his lips. I love this picture.

And here's Nate and Eric! Photo by Aidan Monroe Dodson. Remember that name. He will be famous one day!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Such a slacker here


So....yup. It's been over a month. I am SUCH a slacker here. Hopefully once we sell this house and it is faster to upload stuff I will actually update this more often.

So since last time I updated we have celebrated the fourth of July and had 2 family reunions in one weekend.
(Cake tastes good...)

(Aidan's thoughtful pose on a hammock at the cabin)

It was a good weekend. We saw many many family members, hung out at a cabin in the woods of Virginia, ate homemade ice cream, beat Eric and his mom's butt at badmiton, and had scary freaky crawdads crawl over my feet.

(Awesome pic of a log at the creek)

Also, we have also discovered the joys of splash parks. These are fabulous "parks" where water shoots out of the ground in little fountains. The kids REALLY dig them.

(cute bubble bath picture)
The weekend after the fourth we went to the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia, NC. It was great and hot.

(Lions say Roar!)

(Yup...I think it was turtle mating season....oops I mean they were giving each other piggyback rides)

(Feeding the Lorikeets. Only got pooped on a little bit!)

(Aunt Morgan enjoyed herself more than the kids I think!)
Unfotunately we had to go back to West Virginia the following weekend for a funeral. Eric's grandma in Florida passed away at the age of 96! She was a sweet lady and lived a very long life. I just wish Nate could have had the chance to meet her.

The first evening up in the Wv we went to Eric's aunt and uncles house and Aidan learned how to play the tuba. Yes he did make noise come out of it! AMAZING! UNcle Chris says he has 5th graders that can't even do that!

Check out the cheeks on this boy!)
(Nate eating an apple picked freshly from a tree)
So we actually had a vacation after this. We went to visit my mom in Greenville, NC. This first day we went to the beach and lasted a whole hour at the beach. We forgot to bring food so we went to get lunch and while we were eating there was a HORRIBLE rain storm so I guess our forgetfullness paid off!
(Nate's first beach trip)

(The family...awww)
After the hurricane we went to the aquarium. Not to thrilling, but Nate LOVES fish. he grunted and pointed the whole time.

(Cookie baking with Grandma)
Thursday we went to Aurora, NC where you can dig through dirt and find shark teeth. I thought it was cool. We drove for 3hours total round trip and the kids played in the sand stuff for about 20minutes. I had fun though. I found a great white shark tooth. AWESOME!
(I'm Free!)

Then it was back to moms for a dip in the pool.

Well that was our trip. We are now caught up.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Busy Weekend

So this past weekend we spent Saturday in Greensboro visiting Aunt Morgan. It was a very busy day. Somehow we got up, got dressed, fed the kids, cleaned the house, and got in the car by 9:15am. This selling the house business is hard!

When we got there me met Morgans mom, had lunch-which Aidan actually ate! It was this taco crescent roll ring thing. It was really good. Maybe I'll be brave and try to serve it to them one night. I am scared that it was just a fluke. Nate ate a PB&J as usual.

After lunch we went to the Children's Museum.


They had a ball room, a construction zone, a room for kids under 2, an outdoor adventure room with a tent and "campfire", a house, a market, a doctors office, a dentist office, a real firetruck, a police car, a race car, an airplane cockpit, and Hot Wheels was there that day giving out free cars to race. Charlotte's children's museum stinks compared to this place!!

(a real airplane cockpit, complete with hat and stale cigarette smell)

(Morgan and Aidan making an airplane picture with Popsicle sticks)

(Oh did I mention the Curious George was there as well? AWESOME!)

(Hope he doesn't put all his eggs in one basket! Yeah I'm a dork. Couldn't resist)

After the museum we grabbed some milkshakes and headed over to the Natural Science Center of Greensboro. It was great as well! They had a zoo and we got to see Meerkats, Lorakeets, Gibbons-which I want for my birthday, Maned wolves, a tiger, turtles, goats-which we fed,Lemurs, pigs, chickens. It was so fun, yet SOOOO hot outside.
(I keep telling Aidan to quit bugging me! I guess he can't help it.)

After we finished outside we went in and checked out a few things in there. Nate LOVED the dinosaur room.
He thought that the Dino was great. Aidan on the other hand freaked out because when you got close it growled. He started crying a screaming "It's scaring me!" It was sad, yet rather funny.
Then we went home. Aidan passed out after being in the car for 5 minutes. I enjoyed the quiet and I think I passed out for a few as well. Eric was driving. I hope he wasn't sleeping!
Then today...we had an open house scheduled. We cleaned and cleaned and fought with each other and put out snacks and left the house with dogs in tow and did anyone show up?
Oh well the guy doing the open house today says he has some clients that would love the house and they might swing by this week.
Wish us luck!