Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What's Cookin' Wednesday! Week 2

Can you believe I am on week two of What's Cookin' Wednesday!  Last week I stuck to my plan pretty much.  I switched a few days around, but pretty much stuck with what I planned.  It made my days LESS stressful.  No question as to what I was making for dinner each night.  I just walked to the laptop, went to my blog, clicked the link, and started cooking.

So here is the plan for this week:

Wednesday: Slowcooker Sloppy Joes, pasta salad, Jello with Strawberries and whipped cream!  The slowcooker recipe makes a bunch, so you can either freeze some or just know what you are having for lunch for a few days!

Thursday: Sweet Lemon Shrimp and some form of veggie

Friday: Chicken Shawarma, Avocado Hummus, and random veggies to dip in the hummus

Saturday:Thai Basil Eggplant-vegan and gluten free!

Sunday:Warm Citrusy Millet Salad with Roasted Fennel and Kalamata Olives
   I never made this last week.  I didn't get the fennel on shopping night and kept forgetting. Oops.

Monday: Pretty sure we need to throw in a pizza night.  The kids are driving me batty.  So I am thinking pizza and leftovers.

Tuesday:  Dance rehearsal night!

Link up with me with your Weekly Meal Plan!

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