Friday, June 6, 2014

How to get rid of pesky fruit flies...THIS WORKS!!!!

We have a love/hate relationship with bananas in my house.  Probably one of the greatest days ever was when I was at a craft show that got HORRIBLY rained out (flooded tent, damaged merchandise, the works) and there was an organic grocer there.  They were selling breads, fruits, and veggies. They had a ton.  The monsoon took place and they decided to give away all their food to the vendors.  People were LITERALLY leaving with cases of food. I got about 6 bunches of bananas. They were gone in about 2 days.

We typically have bananas on the counter.  Unfortunately with these bananas we get fruit flies. Not like, 2 flies. We get a TON.  I can not stand any form of flying bug in my house and I think fruit flies fall right in line behind spiders in my top hated list.
I went to Pinterest, like every woman does when she wants to figure something out, and searched out how to catch them.  I found directions on making some cone thing, taping it into a jar, and having stuff in the bottom to attract them.  The theory was, they go down this cone to the stuff in the bottom and they can't figure out how to get out, so they get trapped.  Didn't work.

One of the nurses Eric works with told him this solution and it works EVERY TIME. Be prepared for the least technical tutorial ever.

First, gather your supplies:

Small jar or glass-I use a pint size canning jar and the ring
apple cider vinegar
dish soap
mixing tool-fork
something to poke holes with-scissors or toothpick
plastic wrap

I eye ball everything. I included lots of pictures because, well, that is what I do. Also, so you can sort of eyeball along with me.

First pour in some apple cider vinegar into your glass, about an inch or so.

Then pour in some dish soap into the vinegar. Not nearly as much as the vinegar.  MAYBE about a quarter of the amount.  Probably a bit less.

Stir it all up. I like to stir until it gets a bit bubbly, so I know it is all mixed in.

Take a piece of plastic wrap and fold it onto itself. You want it double thickness.  Take it and stretch it over the top of the jar making sure it is tight and wrinkle free.

Put the metal ring on the jar and tighten it.  Take your hole poking device-scissors or toothpick, and make about 4 holes. 

Do NOT make the holes to small. You need the flies to be able to get inside the jar! If you use a toothpick poke a hole and sort of swirl it around a bit to stretch them out.

Put the jar in the area where the flies are and leave it alone. I had this jar out for a NIGHT.   WARNING: Next picture is gross.

Nasty, huh? Better dead in a jar than flying around my kitchen! While I was taking these pictures, I made the new jar. I went and put it on my counter and grabbed the jar from yesterday to take the gross picture above. When I walked back to my kitchen I saw this. Look at the top right of the jar near the hole! That little dot right there...a fruit fly!  Get 'em jar!

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