Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Terrible Threes

So whoever came up with the phrase "the terrible twos" got it wrong. Apparently they never had a three year old. It should be the troublesome twos and the terrible threes.

Aidan will be three in a couple of months and has officially lost his mind. He goes bananas around 4pm and it just increases throughout the evening. No amount of coaxing will calm down this boy.

He runs around the coffee table jumping over people, jumps onto the couch from the side table(over Kenevil of course), runs up and pushes Nate for no reason what-so-ever then runs away, and well you saw how he is eating. The food doesn't bother me that much, at least he is eating something other than string cheese and fish snacks (those gummy fruit snacks).

His only saving grace right now is that he is super cute. He will just randomly come up and say "I love you mommy". Last night he said "You sad?" then he put a towel on my head and told me I couldn't be sad while it was on my head.

Hopefully in the fall when he goes to preschool he will calm down. Until then I think I need to stock up on Tylenol.

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