Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Birthday Weekend Celebration!

So this weekend was my birthday. I am no longer 30. I am now officially IN my 30s. Kind of stinks. Anyway, to celebrate my birthday on Sunday we decided to go bowling with another family, because we bowl so much. We had a lot of fun. We weren't good and we realized we need to bowl more often. Eric had the high score of the game, 88. (See I told you) and Aidan had the lowest, 54(Aidan and Lily had bumpers). I bowled an 83.

So this is how bowling with Aidan went.

Step one: Walk up to the lane with your 6lb orange ball (didn't realize Aidan was so strong)

Step two: Aidan and Dad push the ball
down the lane(max speed clocked 1.54mph-
yes it did make it down the lane every time
thank you very much!)

Step three: Hold hand next to head and say "go go go"

Step four: Knock pins down, throw arms up in the arm and yell "BOWL!" (I think he watches too many sports with his Dad)

We went during Nate's nap time so he stayed in the stroller, ate cheesy puffs, and eventually passed out. I have no idea how since the music was blaring 80's hair metal.
And for some reason I can't get this formatted right so it looks all screwy today. Oh well. You'll get over it!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Haircuts and Fingerpaints

We all got our hair done on Wednesday. I hate it when Aidan gets a haircut. He always looks like such a big boy. It is sad. Nate got his version of a haircut as well. Well, it was more of a bang trim than anything. He can see now without having to blow his hair out of his eyes so that is a good thing. So that is exciting.

So yesterday until Sunday it is suppose to be rather funky weather so me being the genius I am decided finger painting would be a good way to pass some time.

The beginning...not too nasty yet!

Nate learned that he does NOT like the taste of the paint and Aidan learned that you can paint your body really well with the stuff. I am just waiting for the day Aidan actually paints a picture with one color at a time. Right now he dips his finger in ALL the colors and then paints. He does the same with watercolors, the brush must touch all the different colors first. So we have lots of funky brownish greenish paintings around here.

This would be his $5 paint, as in $5 foot long (Subway commercial)

Aidan's mean face...scary huh? The yellow on his forehead? His bruise.

Later on that night we had music time with our "drums". Aidan wanted to use our glass pot lids as cymbols, but I thought that was a bad idea. So we just used the pots.

Then Aidan started playing with my camera so here are a couple of the shots he took. I don't think they are that bad. Maybe we have a future photographer on our hands! Pretty good for a two year old.
He took 4 pictures of his drums. He had to get the angle just right.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bloody Forehead & A Sick Kid

So this weekend was Charlotte's St. Patrick's day parade. (It was rainy last weekend so they pushed it ahead a week.) We met up with my dad and went down to the parade.

If anyone knows WHY Irish dancers all have curly hair let me know. It is killing me!

Aidan had a ton of fun riding the light rail. He kept yelling at me "Hurry hurry we are going to miss it!" Then he preceded to SCREAM "Hello" off the bridge to everything he saw. It was cute.

I decided he needed a cheap parade toy and he chose a trumpet. I figured it would be destroyed in an hour so I let him get it. Yeah....we still have it. It is the most obnoxious thing EVER. I actually had to hide it this morning to break up a fight over it. The trumpet is sleeping right now. Isn't it wonderful the things kids believe?

Well after the parade we all went to eat and of course no nap=insane 2 year old. Eric took him outside while we were waiting on our food and what happens? Aidan runs into a light pole. Yup, Eric turns his back for two seconds and Aidan is getting up from the ground screaming. Don't quite know how it happened but he had a bloody forehead. (If you look close you can see the bandaid)

Passed out after a long day. This took about 2 seconds. We weren't even out of the parking deck.
Then...after all this craziness of head injuries and all (did i mention Nate had two huge bumps on his head as well- one from Aidan and the fireplace, the other from Ellie the dog and the table) Nate decided to get a crazy cold and so did I. So poor little guy has been hacking for days now. Luckily Benadryl knocks him out at night. Hopefully things will get better in a few days!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Terrible Threes

So whoever came up with the phrase "the terrible twos" got it wrong. Apparently they never had a three year old. It should be the troublesome twos and the terrible threes.

Aidan will be three in a couple of months and has officially lost his mind. He goes bananas around 4pm and it just increases throughout the evening. No amount of coaxing will calm down this boy.

He runs around the coffee table jumping over people, jumps onto the couch from the side table(over Kenevil of course), runs up and pushes Nate for no reason what-so-ever then runs away, and well you saw how he is eating. The food doesn't bother me that much, at least he is eating something other than string cheese and fish snacks (those gummy fruit snacks).

His only saving grace right now is that he is super cute. He will just randomly come up and say "I love you mommy". Last night he said "You sad?" then he put a towel on my head and told me I couldn't be sad while it was on my head.

Hopefully in the fall when he goes to preschool he will calm down. Until then I think I need to stock up on Tylenol.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A lesson from "A Christmas Story"

So manners in my house seem to have missed the dinner table. Aidan says "please" and "thank you" and "excuse me" and he even says "bless you" when either you or he "bless yous". Somehow manners have skipped the kitchen.

This is what I had to watch while eating dinner. Eric egged Aidan on by the way. See, told you I have three boys!

Yup. If you want to eat at our house you have to have a pretty strong stomach some nights. Good thing they are cute!

Speaking of cute here is a cute picture of Nate riding a rocket ship.

Oh and Eric wanted me to mention that he started his day by sticking his hand, unintentionally, in Nate's poo. Just thought I would share!

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Beginning

So. This is my attempt at a blog. Don't know how often I'll actually get around to doing it, but at least I am trying. I am somewhat obsessed with reading my friends so maybe I will actually keep up with this.

I am currently a stay at home mommy with way to many side projects on my hands. I am raising two great kids. I know the picture of Nate is a snow picture and the picture of Aidan is in a sandbox, but it was all the same week. Very odd week last week.

Aidan will turn 3years old in May. He is currently OBSESSED with Diego. He also loves cars. Matchbox cars are the greatest. The fact that they are less than $1 each is also wonderful. His favorite food this week: cold jelly sandwiches. Yup. Cold ones. He likes the frozen ones. I never let them thaw long enough so hence the cold.

Nate (NOT Nathan) just turned one. He loves to dance. His favorite song : Diego theme. Wonder why.
We are also attempting to get our house ready to put on the market. Not too much fun with the kids running around all day. No idea how I am going to keep it clean with two boys...
I am also working on Nate's Christmas stocking, knitting projects, and trying to keep up with everything in this house.

Oh, can't forget to mention my oldest boy Eric. He is 33years old and according to him his favorite food is chicken and is currently playing the jingle stick in a parade in our living room with Aidan leading with the drum and Nate closing with the maracas.