Monday, April 6, 2015

Eric won't let me get chickens so....

I expanded the garden. (By I, I mean Eric.  He did all the lugging. I directed.)

For the past few years we have had a raised bed. Kinda small.It is only 4'x8'.  The kids are kinda anti-everything,so it produced a decent amount for Eric and I.  The only issue we had last year was the squash grew GIANT and took over my garden.  Literally half of the area was for 2 squash plants.  TWO PLANTS.

This year we quickly made another bed with just concrete blocks, garden soil, cow manure, and a bit of top soil!  Took all of 20 minutes to throw together.  The hardest part was transporting everything to the backyard.  I guess....I LOOKED hard.

 I walked around, cleaned out the old garden and added some new soil to mix in.  When doing that, I noticed that my asparagus was taking off!  You have to let it grow for about 3 years before eating.  I have roughly 6 sprouts popping up.  This one is the biggest.  Well over a foot tall.

I also noticed that all my strawberry plants were back in bloom! There are even some little green berries on the plants!  Hopefully the birds will leave them alone this year.  I need to get some kind of netting.  They are just in pots on my porch railing.

Since I was on the ball this year I decided to start things from seeds. I found a new company Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds and got together with a few friends and split an order.  That worked out wonderfully, because I really don't need 50 of one type of plant except carrots.  LOVE CARROTS.

I ended up getting 2 types of lettuce, horned melons, 2 types of cucumbers-slicing and pickling, 2 types of peppers, watermelon, broccoli, carrots, pattypan squash, crookneck squash, zucchini, beans, soy beans, peas....I really had way too much fun with it.

One thing I unfortunately learned about is growing "leggy" plants.

This is a "normal" seedling.  (Pattypan squash)  See how they are short and thick?

THIS is what happens when you don't have enough light. I started them inside and THOUGHT that the window was bright enough. Nope. I read all about it online. It can also be caused by too much water.  I know that wasn't the case for me so, I ripped them out and started them over.  The squash up top was just grown outside.  Well, I bring them in at night because it is still chilly out.  But you can tell that they are LOVING the sun.  Once your seedlings flop like that, they are kinda screwed.

This is my second growing of broccoli.  They all got leggy like the jelly melons up top.  Also-I did water them.  I forgot yesterday so they look much nicer now.

 I will try to post some updates this year!  I always seem to forget.  I have some interesting plants this year, so I can't wait to share their growth with you!  I am even going to attempt pickling AND sauce making.