Monday, January 16, 2012


Aidan:  Mom.  I know what homie means.

Me:  What?

Aidan:  Like a friend.  Run Homie, RUN!  Jump Homie!  Stop it Homie! RUN HOMIE RUN!

Man I love my kids.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


My house really is turning into a cartoon.  The newest fun phrase?  


It is REALLY close to something else and I was REALLY scared that was where Nate was going the other day.  I don't say "the other version" and was really shocked that he was going to say it.  Then f* it became buckets and I was super cool about that.

On an unrelated note, I just bought V a Cabbage Patch Mignon and it is ADORABLE.  It looks like a baby dressed like a  dalmatian puppy and V is carrying it around with her and biting it.  It is rather fabulous.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Push My Belly Button...

Yes.  Another post compliments of my middle child.  Today we were down to one car, the older one was in the shop and that meant I got to be Mrs. Taxi today.  I logged over 100 miles going to two different schools and downtown for my husbands work.

The car was taking longer than expected, so I decided to wait ,and get a break from the noise, while my husband went home with the kids. 

Literally the SECOND I walked in the door I heard "Yay!  Mommy!" as Nate came running and he pulled up his shirt.

"Push my belly button one time and you get Bee power!"

I also learned that if you push it 4 times you get small power and star power!

Yup.  My kids are Super Mario junkies.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Bomba

My boys are addicted to Adventure Time.  If you haven't seen it must.  Click the Adventure Time link and you can see the episode I am referring to.

Bombs are no longer bombs.  They are now...bomb-bas.  Apparently b's are no longer silent in my house.  I even told Aidan "Hey.  It is bomb.  You don't say the last b."  

Which he replied..."Some people do."

Hmmm.  Thanks Adventure Time! You have made my house more interesting.  :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wow. I suck

I really do suck at this huh?

So.  Since I am HORRIBLE at this I have decided to change the format a bit.  I have decided just to post random comments I hear from my kids throughout the day.  The logical thinking from my children astound me sometimes.  Like get a load of this one from Nate while getting ready to eat his lunch of grilled cheese and yogurt.

Nate: I have to take off my socks so I don't get cheese on them.
If you know my son this makes PERFECT sense.