Geez I suck at blogs. But I have decided I NEED to get better. One day Facebook will be no more and I have to make sure people get to see my cute kiddos!
So...not taken today BUT check out Veronica's Princess Leia hat. She is so stinking cute.
Today the boys had soccer games back to back at different YMCA's so I had to go to one and Eric went to another. I almost got kicked out of the Y for inappropriate language. APPARENTLY people don't like being told to shut their smart ass mouths. Who knew? Anyway...
My bubby. Gosh I love this little boy. Last weekend he had his first and hopefully ONLY seizure. Febrile seizures suck. Not dangerous, but now EVERY time he has a fever I am going to panic. I think it took me close to a year after Aidan's to not freak out. Let's just pray this was a one time thing and we will not be repeating it. He is all better and back to his wild self.
This year we went to the Rural Hills Amazing Maize Maze. It was a lot of fun. Basically we walked around for an hour and 47 minutes lost and then found our way out! Not quite sure how, but we did and we didn't kill each other. These things typically make me and Eric fight, but we did great! Yippee for us!
Now...this first picture was taken by Aidan. I don't know. Don't ask. He took about 7. I thought I would include one since the Port-A-Johns seemed to mean so much to him.
The kiddos in front of the scarecrow. We had to tell Nate it was a "nice" crow. He can be such a chicken sometimes.
The boys like to hold V's head. No idea why. Sort of made for a cute picture.
But not as cute as this one!!! V actually fell asleep in the carrier. This is HUGE! She hates being touched when she is sleeping. She probably slept for close to an hour.
I got to choose the flag. If we got lost you were suppose to hold it up super high and wave it. That did not need to be done. We just used the people stationed throughout the maze to help.
They are so weird. Aidan is SUCH a wacky little boy.
Corn. duh.
My men figuring out where we were.
There were 12 mailboxes throughout the maze. You had to find a mailbox. In each mailbox was a piece of the map. So the only way to get a complete map was to walk around like an idiot finding these things.
Yes. You saw it here. This is my husband. Sigh....
WE MADE IT!! YIPPEE! They did not want to talk into the microphone at the end. Oh well.
So...that was our day. Hope you enjoyed it!