Saturday, July 25, 2009

Such a slacker here


So....yup. It's been over a month. I am SUCH a slacker here. Hopefully once we sell this house and it is faster to upload stuff I will actually update this more often.

So since last time I updated we have celebrated the fourth of July and had 2 family reunions in one weekend.
(Cake tastes good...)

(Aidan's thoughtful pose on a hammock at the cabin)

It was a good weekend. We saw many many family members, hung out at a cabin in the woods of Virginia, ate homemade ice cream, beat Eric and his mom's butt at badmiton, and had scary freaky crawdads crawl over my feet.

(Awesome pic of a log at the creek)

Also, we have also discovered the joys of splash parks. These are fabulous "parks" where water shoots out of the ground in little fountains. The kids REALLY dig them.

(cute bubble bath picture)
The weekend after the fourth we went to the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia, NC. It was great and hot.

(Lions say Roar!)

(Yup...I think it was turtle mating season....oops I mean they were giving each other piggyback rides)

(Feeding the Lorikeets. Only got pooped on a little bit!)

(Aunt Morgan enjoyed herself more than the kids I think!)
Unfotunately we had to go back to West Virginia the following weekend for a funeral. Eric's grandma in Florida passed away at the age of 96! She was a sweet lady and lived a very long life. I just wish Nate could have had the chance to meet her.

The first evening up in the Wv we went to Eric's aunt and uncles house and Aidan learned how to play the tuba. Yes he did make noise come out of it! AMAZING! UNcle Chris says he has 5th graders that can't even do that!

Check out the cheeks on this boy!)
(Nate eating an apple picked freshly from a tree)
So we actually had a vacation after this. We went to visit my mom in Greenville, NC. This first day we went to the beach and lasted a whole hour at the beach. We forgot to bring food so we went to get lunch and while we were eating there was a HORRIBLE rain storm so I guess our forgetfullness paid off!
(Nate's first beach trip)

(The family...awww)
After the hurricane we went to the aquarium. Not to thrilling, but Nate LOVES fish. he grunted and pointed the whole time.

(Cookie baking with Grandma)
Thursday we went to Aurora, NC where you can dig through dirt and find shark teeth. I thought it was cool. We drove for 3hours total round trip and the kids played in the sand stuff for about 20minutes. I had fun though. I found a great white shark tooth. AWESOME!
(I'm Free!)

Then it was back to moms for a dip in the pool.

Well that was our trip. We are now caught up.